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New Gal
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Post by New Gal »

Theres three stories today that have absolutely sickened and upset me. This is after I can barely get over the 2 young boys plotting to blow up Columbine on the 10th anniversary of the massacre that happened there

The first is horrific, two young boys have been attacked in Doncaster

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/sout ... 233822.stm

Secondly, some US troops have been found guilty of lewd conduct in Kabul

http://news.aol.com/article/deviant-haz ... bul/652162

Finally, the UK has failed yet again to protect its citizens from a known dangerous person


Just shocks me and makes me think, what is the world coming to? Everyone seems to be sick psychos who are doing crazy things to get some sort of sick and perverse excitement and I just don’t get it
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Post by Karenh »

I agree NG what sort of society or race are we turning into ~ children thinking its big to kill, people abusing other people ~
Surely life is precious and too short and therefore lived to the full, helping each other, laughing together no matter what race or religon.

I know thats an idealistic thought but I genuinley feel that surely with all the wars, killings past and present people should have learnt that it dosnt help and its only the innocent that get hurt.
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Post by New Gal »

Totally agree Karenh, society and values seem to be disintegrating at a rapid level. Judging by what you say, I’m idealistic too then and truly believe that we should treat people as nicely as we can or just not interact with them at all; if someone does something bad, they should be punished justly and religion, race etc should never be barriers for interaction.

War is one thing but to see that people in our society are allowed to repeat offences again and again and no lessons being learnt is really depressing to me, gets me down a lot. We’re barely over the Bulger murder and then years later, two more young boys have been found to have engaged other children in what can only be described as horrific and evil torture.

Coupled with the man that ate his victim’s brain and then went on to kill again, I just can’t get over how truly awful the news is at the moment :cry:
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Post by Scott »

Try not to lose perspective - remember that for every horror story - there are MILLIONS of everyday heroes!
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Post by New Gal »

Maybe, however, there seems to be a lot of horrific stuff going on out there.
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Post by Scott »

I feel SURE that is what the media would have you believe - after all, it sells the media, and their sponsors. They definitely have an ulterior motive!
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Post by New Gal »


The media may have an ulterior motive, however, which British or American media outlet will portray US troops in such a negative story for their own motives?

And usually, the media like to portray children as victims, childhood as an ever diminishing fantasy due to ADULTS that are abusing or torturing them, not children as the torturers!

I have some resources on news values if you would like to read up about the medias agendas, these stories are not reflective of them.
Dignity comes not from control, but from understanding who you are and taking your rightful place in the world.
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