First night larry takes his turn, in the morning he staggers to the camp fire for coffee looking haggard" god look at you!!" exclaim his buddies, " no sleep he snored all night, i just sat up watching him

Second night its bens turn, following morning same thing happens and in the morning he too comes for his coffee looking awful " you look terrible" say his buddies, " couldnt sleep thru his snoring, sat up all night watching hin!!" explains ben.
Night 3 and its big jakes turn he is built like a small mountain and wrestles in his spare tim, so off they go to bed down.
Following morning Big jake is bright eyed and busshy tailed when he comes for his coffee.
" wow what happened you look good" exclaim his buddies.
" we went to the tent" expalins big Jake" i tucked eric in kissed him goodnight, AND HE SAT UP ALL NIGHT WATCHING ME!!!"