I was just talking to my cousin he lives in north sinai ,and with out warning last year mum collapsed and died .They or she did not know she was sick at all .
He tells me now he crys every day he is a grown man but he said he feels like he dont want to live .And as sue might tell you Egyptians love their mums
they are they way to paradise which is through the soles of your mother .
I just do not know how to console him .Sometimes he comes on and says are you there i say yes and he does not speak ,i ask him 10 mins later bopu i call him are you there he says yep and i said why you not talk he said just knowing your on the other end and with me is enough for me not to talk ...
hes was due to be married this year now they wait a year in mourning because no one should marry within a year of a death ..