I will start with my beloved Luxor, i first went there 16 years ago with Alan, it was my early 40th birthday present he said (2 years early ??), i loved it on sight, the colour ,the smells ,the people, the nile,
Felluca sailing just has to be the best way to travel ever, so serene, so peacefull, so relaxing.
I have many many friends there made over a long period of time and we are still in constant touch, they taught me my limited arabic, invited me into thier homes and thier hearts and thats where i like to be most i think, the bazaars are amazing, the temples flood lit at night a romantic's dream.
Even the hassle you here about is all part of Luxor Life.
Its a city divided between the West Bank and East Bank, and either side ahve something to offer, from the bustle of the city side (east) to the more tranqill west bank, more rural, but dont be fooled it hides some true gems like " Habu" a small village and a wonderfull temple.
Ive also visited , Aswan on a couple of occasions , Philae temple my fav there.
Been to Abu-simbel and the high damn etc while in the Aswan area.
Ive been to Cairo, my least favourite place, did a 5 day break there and a whirlwind sight seeing tour of the main sights in the smog and the dust and the heat and the traffic!! well second least actually as i now remember a short visit to Sharm-el-Sheik, didnt like it there at all, very man made touristy stuff, just my opinion though.
Have visited Abydoss, Dendera, and Edfu, couple of times during Nile cruises and a couple of independant trips.
And of course Hurghada several times now, good and repeatable, if you are looking for sun and sea, snorkelling and quieter hotel pool sides.
While i think of it some good fishing is to be had here.
And the best fish restaraunt in Egypt.
I have a few buddies here as well, so thats about my potted history of some of my places and where and what i like the best........... come on lets be hearing from some of you