Im going to the Lake District with 3 service users starting on 22-8-10 for a week for thier annual holiday this year, if you remember i brought 4 of em to Hurghada last year, so a very similar holiday this time ............... not

In actual fact we are all quite looking forward to it, one gets so bored jet setting all the time

Pray for us that the crappy weather improves or i shall be bald by my return having torn my hair out thinking up things to do where they dont get wet!!
I swear they all reckon they would shrink in the rain

Another staff member is joiing us, his name is Jason, so in all there will be five this time, one less than last year ..........bliss !!
We are travelling with Alfa Tours ( coach thingy) and we have tours included in the cost, ha ha they are all outdoor tours, 2 of em are boat trips ...........mmmm............... moist then i should think one way and another, another tour is to the lights and delights of Barrow-in-furrness, (dont know how to spell it) which i believe to be an industrial site :yawn: , at which point i think i might slip away and find a sticky bun or 3 and a coffee somewhere

So if im silent on here between those dates thats why, so anyone having a horrible time and having to work hard during that week........... TOUGH!! so am I