Heart Songs Whispers

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Heart Songs Whispers

Post by CocoaButter »

Some days are cold and dark.
Some make us feel so alone.
Some days are hard to understand.
On those days God knew we'd need
an extra hug or two.
So he gave us friends.
So that we would always have
an angel close when we needed one.

"If you can not find a
measure of happiness in
being loved it is not the
fault of the one who
loves you."

This page is dedicated
to my friends.
Who've helped me get through
a very rough spring.
Much of the material here
is original,
some of it is not.
But it all speaks to me
of someone special in my life.
I hope it does to you too.
I hope you find
something here that will
bring light to your day,
touch your lips with a smile
and allow you to leave
with a little more joy in your heart
than you had when you came.
This is dedicated to friends.
With many thanks to mine.

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