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Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:12 am
by Christine
Well Hp now youve got me thinking, not sure i could out act trigger. :lol:
You got it the right way round it is Bridgemary, and i like the ferry as well was on it 2 weeks ago with one of my ladies, her folk live in Gosport :) :)
Gosport hosts a damn decent week-end market as well, always worth a look.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:48 pm
by Hurghadapat
yes have done the gosport market and very good as you said :) also know Pymouth well as another big naval base and it is also a lovely place and a good jumping of point to go and explore cornwall :)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:17 am
by CocoaButter
I was too late for this panto in our area being girl is ill ,but Christine i think you will be the inspiration and soul of the stage .WAY TO GO GIRL ,god bless .xxxxxx I am sure its going to be a success .. ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:54 am
by Christine
Thankyou CCB x
Well we had the dress rehearsal OMG!!! :lol:
We have broadened (pardon the pun) my stint slightly, i am now conducting the lot of us, with wand of course, right at the end to sing "white Christmas" as most of our guys were coming in at different intervals and it sounded awful. :lol:
So now after i have finished prancing about with Pinnochio ( bloody funny) i have to turn my large netted blue bum to the audience god bless em and conduct our song :oops: :oops:
I swear to god if i fall out of my top, poor old Pinnochio will think he's gone blind :lol:
Oh and ive given up on the blond wig it kept sliding forward, and at one point it was flying through the air on the end of my wand, so as im a bit of a liability any way weve decided that i wont wear it :lol: ( cant think why :oops: )

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:56 am
by CocoaButter
Christine wrote:Thankyou CCB x
Well we had the dress rehearsal OMG!!! :lol:
We have broadened (pardon the pun) my stint slightly, i am now conducting the lot of us, with wand of course, right at the end to sing "white Christmas" as most of our guys were coming in at different intervals and it sounded awful. :lol:
So now after i have finished prancing about with Pinnochio ( bloody funny) i have to turn my large netted blue bum to the audience god bless em and conduct our song :oops: :oops:
I swear to god if i fall out of my top, poor old Pinnochio will think he's gone blind :lol:
Oh and ive given up on the blond wig it kept sliding forward, and at one point it was flying through the air on the end of my wand, so as im a bit of a liability any way weve decided that i wont wear it :lol: ( cant think why :oops: )
your funny hugs))))

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:41 pm
by Karenh

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:09 pm
by Christine
Ok ........... Well we did it the show i mean, and it was huge fun :) :)
I shall set the scene.
Smallish stage , large audience (ticket sales better than expected).
Props =1 sleigh side all painted up and lit by Alan (my hubby)
Cast= 8 service users = 5 reindeers, 1 Rudolph, 1 scarecrow, (wizard of oz style) 1 Bert ( mary Poppins) 5 staff members (which is all of us!!)=1 Mary Poppins, 1 Dorothy, 1 Pinnochio, 1 Blue fairy ( that would be me ) and one pregnant mother christmas ( she is acting she is not really pregnant) confused?? so were we :)
Well the idea is we put the reindeer out front with mother christmas and the rest of us stand behind the sleigh to make our entrance, so off we go across the stage to the tune of "jingle bells".
All is fine until we run out of space and there is a reindeer pile up in the opposite wings :) no one had thought to turn round,sleigh grinding to bumpy halt centre stage, mother christmas starts giggling but untangles the guys and redirects them, so now we all go backwards,which isnt easy, carrying a sleigh side and hanging onto ya wand let me tell you!!
Finally we are all in place and our first sketch begins, with Dorothy and the screcrow doing "were off to see the wizard" skipping about like demons, well what we hadnt noticed was that the scarecrows hat had slid round and now she cant see bcause she has a face full of straw, so good old Dorothy is dragging scarecrow about, until Blue fairy hooks scarecrows hat off with her trusty wand :) All is well in OZ and thier sketch finshes to the sound of much laughter, next up is Mary Poppins and Bert, off they go ( as each act begins we are coming out of the back of the sleigh i should have added)to the tune of "supercalifredulisticexpialidoshus" its one of those tunes that seems to speed up , well at one point Berts chimney sweeps brush was waving about as they danced, like a weapon and Mary was turning purple and having to hold her hat on which meant she kept hitting herself in the head with her carpet bag!, but troopers we are, undaunted they carried on until the end of thier sketch, by now the audience, apart from the front row who were ducking (sweeps brush!) were in fits :)
Its now the turn of Pinnochio and my good self, to 2 tunes the first being "high diddley dee" the 2nd " got no strings" now remember we are coming out of the back of the sleigh, Pinnochio and i, with me holding my puppets strings in one hand wand in other hand, we are meant to skip round the back of the sleigh bringing us to stage front, which would have been fine had my tutu not got caught on the end of the sleigh!!!
Pinnochio dosent realise i cant keep up until some one releases me and ends up coming to a very abrupt halt half way out.
Im freed and off we go dancing about really rather well i thought, then the song changes to " got no strings" and starts to get a little faster, Pinnochio for some reason best known to himself decides the can can is perfect for this song!!! which is fine for him he is short and light in weight, any way off we go doing the can can, and its then that i could feel my knickers start to fall down :oops: :oops:
Well i will bet not one of you has seen the Blue Fairy walking like Frank Bruno legs akimbo stomping about trying desperatley to keep her bloody knickers up above her tutu have you :x (why is it always me) All cast and audience thought Jason and i had done this walk deliberatley and were howling with laughter.
Song ends fairy makes incredible exit, she nearly did fly trust me, to pull her drawers up!!, then reappears in time for finale of " white christmas which im releived to say went without a hitch. :lol:
Bliss its over :)

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:41 pm
by Karenh
Well done chirstine ~ sounds like great fun and what about the knickers :lol:
All we need now is the video :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:13 pm
by Netyoda
Oh what a waste if it wasn't on camera! lol

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:29 pm
by Hurghadapat
AH but how does she know if it is or if it's not so maybe it will be on youtube...........keep watching Christine as who knows ;) ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:41 pm
by Christine
:lol: :lol: :lol: I feel relativley confident that its not going to make me famous, or should that be infamous ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:04 pm
by CocoaButter
Image ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:14 pm
by New Gal
Christine!! Well done lady!!!!


Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 11:28 am
by Christine
Thankyou to all of my fans :lol:
CCB nice to see you back x

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:23 pm
by CocoaButter
Christine wrote:Thankyou to all of my fans :lol:
CCB nice to see you back x
on /off chuck ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:32 pm
by Christine
Thats ok just get on here when ever you can xx