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Beautiful Grene Eyes

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:16 am
by CocoaButter
Beautiful green eyes
so bright and clear,
your eyes pierce my soul
whether far or near.

An uncanny knack
of reading my mind,
it makes me wonder
which one of us is really blind?

Offering companionship
you are pushed away,
come back, I'm sorry
sit with me, please stay.

We two are a pair
I could tell that first night,
cold, shivering, shaking
you were such a sight.

Wrapped in a blanket
kept you warm best I could,
green eyes looked up at me
as if to say, this is good.

I remember that day
you set the tone,
in my arms you slept
all the way home.

Learning, exploring
at my side until the end,
miss you my companion
my green eyed friend.

Written by:
Karen Palumbo

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:18 am
by Hurghadapat
Lovely words even though they are a bit sad :)

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:00 pm
by CocoaButter
Hurghadapat wrote:Lovely words even though they are a bit sad :)
Yes i saw it and it reminded me of my beautiful pepper whome i miss terribly she was my Cat for a long time she was always there for me when i was down and lately its a lot .