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BNP and Question Time

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:02 pm
by New Gal
Anyone see this?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:39 pm
by Horus
Yes NG I watched it :)
and although I have no time for the BNP and their racist views, I was disappointed to see that instead of having a normal program and letting him give his views on a series of questions, as is usual format for Question Time, we were subjected to a program with contrived questions and continuous interruptions by all the other panel member plus the chairman, rather than allowing him to speak and probably condemning himself with his racist views.

There were some very good points being raised about unfettered immigration and by that I mean the present open door policy that is affecting all racial groupings within the UK. A black member of the audience and Sayeeda Hussain Warsi, (Baroness Warsi) who is herself the child of Pakistani parents, attempted to challenge Jack Straw on the labour party’s immigration policy. Both attempts were side tracked by him and other members of the panel into another attack on Griffin.
The questioner and Baroness Warsi would have been the ideal people to argue the immigration issue with Jack Straw and with their own ethnic backgrounds would have been speaking from personal experience. We could have had a real challenge of the present labour policy from people with no racial axe to grind and any outrageous views uttered by Nick Griffin would have palled into insignificance alongside their measured responses.

I believe that the only reason that people vote for the BMP is because they feel that the other parties do not represent their views. Most people within the UK are quite happy with the way things are and accept all the various mixes that make up the UK. What they are not happy about is an open door policy of allowing anyone to come and live here regardless of any ties to this country or right of entry, to hold that view is not racist as it would apply to everyone wanting to live here.

If the next government takes proper control of our borders and deals with immigration on a proper footing as happens elsewhere in Europe and the rest of the world, then the BNP will disappear. I know plenty of people that are concerned about immigration but very few that would support main stream BNP policies.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:27 pm
by New Gal
I agree that people are voting for the BNP as they feel that the 'mainstream' parties aren't listening with regards to immigration policies.

I can't comment on the immigration policies however, its blatantly clear that they aren't working.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:39 pm
by CocoaButter
Not got much time for Jack Straw ,but love David Dimbleby: from where i was watching looked like a linch mob but over all entertaining not !!! i thought the lady on the end was Brill ,liked her a lot .
Agree with Horus :)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:23 pm
by Horus
That lady was Bonnie Greer an American writer and she is something high up in the running of the British Museum, a very clever lady and talks a lot of sense. :) I would have liked to see Nick Griffin stand his side of a good debate with her ;) she would have wiped the floor with him :lol:
As I said before, it was a biased program against Griffin and the public saw through it, far better had he and others been allowed to speak without all the constant interuptions.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:31 pm
by CocoaButter
Horus wrote:That lady was Bonnie Greer an American writer and she is something high up in the running of the British Museum, a very clever lady and talks a lot of sense. :) I would have liked to see Nick Griffin stand his side of a good debate with her ;) she would have wiped the floor with him :lol:
As I said before, it was a biased program against Griffin and the public saw through it, far better had he and others been allowed to speak without all the constant interuptions.
Yes i agree ,and i thought was a wonderful not biased and likeable lady she even offer to help nick griffen with some history the others were on a backlash to me this was not i wanted to see but anyway i dont hink this will be happeing int the near future again do u ..