God's all-abiding love and care.
He saw that we would need to know
a way to let these feelings show.
So God made hugs - a special sign,
and symbol of His love divine,
a circle of our open arms
to hold in love and keep out harm.
One simple hug can do its part
to warm and cheer another's heart.
A hug's a bit of heaven above
that signifies His perfect love.
~Jim Wolf~

Three hugs a day are essential...
morning, noon and night!
The more the better!"
"Hugs are not measured by their quantity;
they are measured by the
quality of love they are given with."
"What sunshine is to flowers...
Hugs are to humanity."
"We need four hugs a day for survival,
Eight hugs a day for maintenance,
Twelve hugs a day for growth!"
~Virginia Satir~