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Back home again!!

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:59 pm
by Susue
Hi y'all..... back in good ol' Georgia after 6 weeks away!!
As you know, we saw Semsema and Mr C while we were in the UK.... a wonderful day!!
I got my eye operation.... it all went well and everything's fine now...
We had some time to spare and the weather was lousy in England.... so we took off on a last-minute cheapo 10-day trip to Gran Canaria (One of those deals where they tell you where you're staying when you get there!!).
We ended up in a wonderful complex in Puerto Rico.... high up on a mountain.... had to walk down 468 steps (yes I counted) to get to the harbour and town.
It was a lovely break.....
Then a few days in England to spend time with family and friends, got my eyes checked.... then the 2 weeks cruising home across the Atlantic, with some great stops in France, Spain, and Madiera!!
Got home with a stinking cold..... but otherwise, everything's great.... house is still standing... and it was nice to sleep in our own bed!!

Lee.... I see you're up and running and about to take off..... did you get your diving courses sorted... and who are you doing them with?
I wish you every luck in Hurghada!!

New Gal..... you're up and about again by the looks of it..... great news!!

Glad to be back on the red forum with my friends!!

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:45 pm
by Karenh
Hi Suesue glad your back in one piece! and enjoyed your break

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:30 am
by Netyoda
Hi Susue,

glad you had a great time, yes the weather's been atrocious in the UK.

I'm here in HRG now having a morning coffee.

I'll probably be doing my Rescue Diver with Emperor, although the hotel has Easy Divers as resident and they'ren supposed to be pretty good too.

Got all my dive gear over in one piece so I look forward to using it!

Glad the op went well :D

Going to relax today I think, apartment viewing tomorrow followed by Quiz Night with HL and then some diving on Saturday.

WHAT A FRIENDLY PLACE! I'm loving it already.

Lee x

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:11 am
by Karenh
Glad u arrived safely and finding everything okay
Enjoy the quiz night and ur diving of course! :)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:28 am
by Christine
Hi Suesue
Glad you are back, the cold will go in no time now you are home, it is nice to sleep in your own bed isnt it, much as we all love being away its always good to come back to your own things isnt it :)

Lee say "hi " to Mel for me would you ? x

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:59 am
by Hurghada Lady
Hi Christine LOL,

Hi Sue welcome back, glad to hear you had a good time, what did you have done to your eyes was it Laser?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:14 pm
by Susue
HL I had the startings of glaucoma, so I had to have laser surgery to make holes at the beck of my eyes to relieve pressure.
Glaucoma is something I inherited from my mum..... she wasn't as lucky as me.... she went blind.
Mine was spotted through a routine eye test when I was in England last June...... very lucky!!

Yes, Chris.... cruise ship beds are wondeffully comfy..... but I still prefer my own bed.... even though I took some toast with jam to bed last night.... and got jam on my clean sheets!!! :roll: