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Its snowing
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:29 pm
by CocoaButter
PLenty snow down here and more to come ,so me sledge has come out for my 12 year old to sit on and its good for shopping also .what i want to know is the sledge legs that can go on a bike wheel so when u ride the wheel in the middle is going but the sledge stops the bike from sliding about .i know they are about but can i heck as like find them on my webrowser ??any help please .
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:40 pm
by Susue
UGH!!!! Call me an old misery.... but I hate snow!!!
Like..... it's nice for the first half-day.... then it gets messy... and journeys get tedious!!
We went on a Christmas road-trip across the USA in our camper last year..... it was lovely while we were in the Southern States..... but as we went north.... it was deep snowdrifts and icy roads.... a complete nightmare!!
That was the great thing about living in Hurghada.... winters were a bit chilly compared to summer..... but NO SNOW!!!!!
Where we live in Georgia now, it doesn't snow here either.... but it's rained a lot this winter.... thought our neighbours were going to get flooded again 2 days ago.... but luckily it didn't happen!!
Cocoa..... you ride a bike in the snow!!??
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:01 am
by CocoaButter
Susue wrote:UGH!!!! Call me an old misery.... but I hate snow!!!
Like..... it's nice for the first half-day.... then it gets messy... and journeys get tedious!!
We went on a Christmas road-trip across the USA in our camper last year..... it was lovely while we were in the Southern States..... but as we went north.... it was deep snowdrifts and icy roads.... a complete nightmare!!
That was the great thing about living in Hurghada.... winters were a bit chilly compared to summer..... but NO SNOW!!!!!
Where we live in Georgia now, it doesn't snow here either.... but it's rained a lot this winter.... thought our neighbours were going to get flooded again 2 days ago.... but luckily it didn't happen!!
Cocoa..... you ride a bike in the snow!!??
Husband as well ,he has been doing 1hour ride to work every day and even doing overtime and coming home 4am .
I rode my bike yesterday i cannot afford taxis or buses all time we want other things so a car is the last thing on our minds . But daughters transport is already payed for she comes first before us
I love the snow daughter , is away on restbite she rang me over hour ago and said "mama you seen outside
she be making a snow man ,so she is happy i am and or we happy .All we do now is for kids and maybe inshallah for our time later inlife ...
Thats it i need a sledge strappers i remember now ..
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:40 pm
by Hurghadapat
We have a lot of snow here CocoaButter about 8 inches and is freezing as well but it all looks beautiful,walked the dog early this morning so no other footsteps in snow only mine and dog came back looking like a snowman with big clumps of snow ganging from his fur but we both had a lovely time your daughter would have loved it i think.
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:49 pm
by CocoaButter
Yes she is ,she is ringing me ,happy happy
Took the cat out for his walk he did not like ,its his first time going out in the snow he was only a wee baby last time .
Yes snowing all night here .