A Prayer for Haiti

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A Prayer for Haiti

Post by CocoaButter »

Wednesday January 13, 2010
Categories: Breaking News, News, Prayer

Yesterday evening at 5:00PM, a magnitude-7.0 earthquake hit Haiti, destroying much of the capital, Port Au Prince. Many buildings have been destroyed or sustained extreme structural damage, many have been injured and the body count is innumerable. Within the last 16 years, Haiti has been the bore the brunt of catastrophic natural disasters that have claimed the lives of many and destroyed the island's structural integrity. Please join us in prayer as we lift Haiti, its inhabitants and all those affected by this disaster, up in prayer.

Heavenly Father,
It is with a heavy heart that we come to you, not necessarily knowing what we should ask for because many of us are wondering, "Why did this happen? Why has tragedy struck Haiti again and why do so many lives have to be lost again? Why has this beautiful island been struck by a catastrophic earthquake and ruined?" But as many questions as we have regarding the situation, we still humble ourselves before you to ask for your mercy to be upon Haiti and its people. Extend your hand upon the land and restore all that has been lost, destroyed and damaged to be better than it was before. As rescue teams search for casualties, give them foresight. May they be led by your wisdom, and encouraged by your strength and advised by your discernment. There are yet people who are surviving and I pray that the rescue workers would find them in time and revive them. For the lives that will be lost, we pray for immediate comfort to come to the family and friends of the deceased. For those of us who are watching this unfold from the outside, I pray that you would give us hearts of compassion so that we can give out of our surplus to fill the deficit that is widening in Haiti. May we all extend ourselves in any way possible to secure our brothers and sisters in Haiti. And may every prayer regarding this tragedy be heard and responded to in your good time.

In Jesus' Name,



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