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Mive Review : New Moon

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:04 pm
by Netyoda
While I enjoyed the book and the film Twilight, the movie producers seem to have over-catered for the teen romance hysteria produced by the first film in this follow-up.

The first hour of the film is composed of mind-numbingly boring cameos of Bella looking forlorn and moping around because Edward has left.

There's a bit of interest when Jacob is discovered to be a werewolf, for about 15 minutes but it then degenerates into another teen romance for the next half hour before a beautifully-shot but tedious finale.

You'd really have to love the whole Twilight series to get anything out of this one.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:16 am
by CocoaButter
I could never get into it ,my daughter loves it but me nah ,i do not know why does not appeal to me .Maybe i prefer the book instead .