What was you doing on Earth day 22nd april

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What was you doing on Earth day 22nd april

Post by CocoaButter »

Today is Earth Day, so what are you doing behind a computer screen?
Today marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day and here in the United States we're in the middle of National Parks Week, with entrance fees being waved through Sunday at 392 spacious and beautiful wilderness parks.

So what are you doing behind your computer screen? It's a day to venture outside and ride the waves or be among the trees and wild critters.

Sadly, the planet is believed by most to be in worse shape than it was 40 years ago. Some might say it's in peril, thanks to the so-called climate crisis and an infinite number of pollution issues.

Humans are still slaughtering sharks in unfathomable numbers, so people can enjoy their shark-fin soup. Whales are still being hunted; so are dolphins and seals. Terrestrial animals continue to be squeezed from their prime habitat by developers. Rain forests are still shrinking, and so on and so forth.

Some might even reason that so many recent earthquakes and volcanic explosions, while natural events, are expressions of planetary outrage.

But on the bright side, awareness to most of Earth's problems has grown. Well-meaning groups and individuals are striving for a more compatible, or "green" existence. More people are recycling, seeking renewable energy sources, reducing energy usage and generally trying to shrink their so-called carbon footprints.

So with all of this in mind today, of all days, should be spent at least giving a moment's thought about this great sphere on which we're so fortunate to live and breathe, and to an existence we sometimes take for granted.

Hopefully, this can occur out on a trail or anywhere under the sky, beyond closed doors of the workplace.

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