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Used car prices
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:24 am
by Predator2
are small secondhand cars really exspensive, compared to the uk..
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:32 am
by Christine
Hi hon, not seen you on here for a while, car prices tend to hold there own really, but you need to be very carefull when buying second hand in egypt, they are often as not incredibly battered inside and out hence the sale, and getting your liscence could prove frustrating speak to Netyoda he is very knowledgable on the paperwork.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:34 am
by Christine
HL drives a car so she would also be able to guide you better than me , good luck

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:22 pm
by Hurghada Lady
Hi Predator, as Christine said second hand cars do hold there price, new ones drop drastically but then hold.
A couple of examples at present prices:-
Mitsubishi Lancer NEW starting from 90,000le - 120,000le depending on options
Second Hand 2-3 years old 70,000 - 85,000le
Toyota Corolla around the same as above
Hyundai Matrix about same as above
all above 5 years old approx 50,000le - 65,000le depending on condition
Daiwoo Nubira New 81,000le
Second Hand 2 years old 55,000le - 62,000le depending on condition
5 years old approx 45,000le
Older than this you tend to get them knocked about and tatty also the prices don't drop that much either! Mileage here doesnt seem to count either not like England!
As for licensing the car if it's second hand it will already be licensed, when the license is running out then go to the security police with passport and copy of passport and driving license (international) they will do a security check which they say will take a few days, now this is absolute outright lies, it takes approximately 3 months!!! You will have your paperwork to say you have started your license so if the police stop you, you are able to show this.
If it's a new car it is all the same as above 3 months etc., but you have to drive on trade plates which are 150le a day, if you do a deal with them saying it is going to be about 3 months they come down to 100le a day!
Or, if you know any Egyptian very well that you can definitely trust you can register the car in his name which takes a couple of hours and then get him to do a power of attorney to you saying that you own the car, which suffices also if the police should stop you! You are also able to sell the car with the power of attorney.
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:23 pm
by Netyoda
To register a car or bike is an absolute nightmare.
It's been 4 months since I bought my bike, but only 6 weeks since I started getting somewhere
You have to go to the traffic police to start the process with copies of passport and proof of residency (apartment contract etc) which must be stamped by the land registry office, only you don't find out about that until much later in the process

You also need an Egyptian to go with you to vouch for you.
You also need a passport visa stamp valid for at least 6 months.
Then the fun begins - they send you off to the FBI where you have an interview enquiring as to your purpose for living in Egypt (well, I did), then they write off to England to ascertain that you're not a wanted criminal. This took 4 weeks in my case.
Then it's back to the traffic police once they've called you to tell you that they have the security code. Take the car or bike or they'll tell you to come back tomorrow. Go before 11am or they'll tell you to come back tomorrow.
You then need to get to someone who'll take the paperwork, retrieve your security clearance and point you at the cashier where you pay 1.5 LE to get some forms. These are then filled in and you're passed from one person to another until they send you "outside", to the engineer's office, where you get another stamp, and engineer comes to get the VIN and engine serial numbers, back for a signature, then back "inside".
You then need to have the papers checked by the officer, who will point you to Mr Yasser, who will send you to a guy in a hut where you pay 30 LE to get 2 plastic folders and 2 forms, which you fill in and pay another 2 LE at a cashier to get some stamps for it and then back to Mr Yasser to process it. He'll then send you round to a cashier to get a licence number, back to Mr Yasser, back round to 1 cashier with 52 LE for the licence plate (which they didn't have available for me!) and another 8 LE for some other stamps to go on the other forms you received.
That's encapsulating the past 2 weeks for me, and I had to go and have my plates made separately at a metalwork shop, then had to hand-paint the plates in white and write the numbers on in black.
Tomorrow I have to go back to the traffic police to get the plates stamped as they weren't issued by them. I may also have to take a bike test, but we're trying to get around that.
So....... my advice.... take taxis

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:06 pm
by Hurghada Lady
Maybe I don't have to do all that because of my 5 year visa Lee, mind you the first new car I had I was not expecting to go through all of this and consequently threw a wobbly in the office at Colonel Ehab (by the window), I then marched to the posh offices on the dual carriageway and asked to see Mudeer Amn (the top one in Hurghada), he phoned General Ashraf and told him to give me my license plates and license............I marched back to the traffic police to find that General Ashraf wanted to see me. I went upstairs into his office where he asked me why I had gone to Mudeer Amn and cause trouble for him

he then phoned downstairs and told them to give me a special number (don't know if the special number was so they could identify me easily LOL) I then went downstairs where they told me they didn't have a special number I would have to wait for one to come in! I then decided I would get all the numbers out to see if there was one that I liked the look of......I found one that was 4 numbers which they told me was for special people to which I answered that will do nicely thank you

They said I couldn't have it!! So I phoned the top man of the electric company for the Redsea area, whose office was just around the corner and told him I wanted this special 4 number license plate but they wouldn't give it me, he said come to my office and we will sort it out. I went to his office where they made me a cup of coffee while Mohamed (the top man of electric company) phoned a judge. The judge phoned General Ashraf

and told him to give me the number. I then went back to the traffic office and into the license plates to policeman Raffat who was standing with my number plates waiting for me

I then went to pay in Colonel Ehabs office to find they had just shut the safe which means come back tomorrow! I started to throw a tantrum so Colonel Ehab turned to the cashier and said in Arabic, open the safe and get this woman out of here, she just loves trouble and is driving us all mad
I have been informed that once the safe is shut they never open it again, but they did for me
When I went the next year, it took half an hour but that was because it was the same car. The next year hubby bought me another new car so I had to go through it all again and not only that I couldn't have my number of my previous car because it wasn't ready to be registered, so they gave me the option to take a new plate or wait for my old number, of course I took a new number

It still took 3 months because it was a new car............I did have a bit of a wobbly in the Security Police when they said they had to do another check, I took my passport back from him and showed him my visa and lack of stamps for leaving the country asking him why do you have to check when I have been here all the time, how can I possibly be a wanted criminal in England between last time and this time???????? Anyway I just gave up and let them get on with it while we paid 100le a day for 3 months for trade plates! Nightmare

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:31 am
by Predator2
thanks again for all your help.Why is everything such a nightmare in egypt..i'm sure it will all work out..thanks again guys..dave
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:07 am
by Christine

@ Lee, hey i can recomend a good private hire guy

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:47 pm
by Netyoda
Well after another 4 hours in the traffic police - I have my plates!!!
Had to get them made myself and then stamped at the TP, more photocopies of passports required and the insurance that I was ripped off for had run out (I was charged 100, should be 46), but eventually it was sorted.
Then had to get the custom plates fitted to the bike but the shop I bought the bike from did it gratis.
So... now all I have to do is a bike test on Sunday to get my licence.
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:56 pm
by Hurghada Lady
Oh bugger I was enjoying the saga

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 8:16 pm
by Netyoda
I've actually not been in the sun since I moved here apart from broiling at the traffix police, so my tan is down solely to that.
I've spent, I think about 28 hours sorting this thing out over the past months ...
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 8:17 pm
by Cozdragon
Hurghada Lady wrote:Oh bugger I was enjoying the saga

I however wasn't ... my ears are quite looking forward to a rest!
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 8:17 pm
by Netyoda
I've actually not been in the sun since I moved here apart from broiling at the traffix police, so my tan is down solely to that.
I've spent, I think about 28 hours sorting this thing out over the past months ...
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 8:40 pm
by Christine
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 9:02 pm
by Goddess

Don't know who's story I enjoyed more!?!
Way to go HL!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:22 pm
by Karenh

@ Lee and Christine
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:52 am
by Netyoda
Well the saga sort of continues.
I went down to take my test, then was told I needed 2 photos. So the question "And what will I need after that!?!" was asked.
Turns out I need an eye and chest exam as well. And more papers filled out, more money to be paid.
Turned up the next day with the photos as requested and waited for my test. I watched a lad on a bike start his test (no helmet!) then watched while he was left to broil in the sun for half an hour.
I had to be somewhere at 3pm so I collared the chap and told him. 15 minutes later he'd sorted it out with "no test, come back tomorrow with medical certificates".
I went to El Salam hospital, but they don't do the exams, so next day I tootled off to the General Hospital.
The disorganisation and chaos in there reminded me too much of the traffic police so I gave it up as a bad job.
An hour later I was sat in the nice, clean, air conditioned reception of Red Sea Hospital and after paying over my 80 LE I went in for my eye exam. "Passport please". I handed it over as he wrote 20/20 on my certificate - I could just about read it with my myopic gaze, and wondered when the exam would begin
Then off for my chest X-Ray - they have amazing equipment at RSH - apparently the doctora has x-ray eyes and after having me fill my name in on the certificate she signed it and handed it back.
2 photos of my stapled to the 2 certificates and off I went!
I haven't made it down to the traffic police again yet, but I'll probably go tomorrow to pick up my license.
Merhaba Musr.
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:05 am
by Hurghada Lady
When I went for my eye test and chest exam for my driving license, they didn't bother with the chest exam, but the eye exam was half an hour chatting with the doctor about getting to England to work in a hospital there, no exam!
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:40 pm
by Susue
Sounds like you're well on the way there, Lee.....
I wonder what other obstacles they can find for you!!
Good luck for tomorrow..... keep us updated!!!
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:39 pm
by Cozdragon
ohhhhhhh please don't let there be any more sympathy levels are seriously depleted after the last 357 years of him TRYING to get a licence and registration for that bike...Cx