Anybody know anywhere in this fine country where I'd be able to buy boxing equipment?
Main needs at the moment are a heavy bag and a speed ball.
Sporting Goods
Moderators: 4u Network, DJKeefy
I dont know of a shop but i do know a man who might.
About 2 years ago at Geisum, a guy used to get o the beach and take the guests through thier excercise paces, his name was Gamal, he left as i say about 2 years ago, but he would be known buy other staff, he was emplyed for quite a while , the thing is he used to be a boxer, so would know where you could get your'e equipment.
The best person to ask would be Emad i would think or the guy that used to have the beach side bar, cant remember his blooming name right now, it will come to me no doubt
Kamil ?? Last seen by me, working in the resturaunt last year , any way one of them would know who i meant
About 2 years ago at Geisum, a guy used to get o the beach and take the guests through thier excercise paces, his name was Gamal, he left as i say about 2 years ago, but he would be known buy other staff, he was emplyed for quite a while , the thing is he used to be a boxer, so would know where you could get your'e equipment.
The best person to ask would be Emad i would think or the guy that used to have the beach side bar, cant remember his blooming name right now, it will come to me no doubt

Kamil ?? Last seen by me, working in the resturaunt last year , any way one of them would know who i meant