Early in the 1990's .. i applied to meet some-one via an Ad in the newspaper (telephone,letter and photo) unfortunately the person i met was not the one for me ... i did however meet a friend of his and never went back to my hometown, and we had a wonderful relationship for 16years. we are still the best of friends today ....
So you never know who is out there ...
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Years ago when i was a lot younger i found all my friends had boyfriends and I didn't mainly because of my size (cuddly never fat!) so I replied to a newspaper advert ~ It was great fun but very scary going on the 1st date ~ then we realized we knew each other from primary school and have kept friends since. However the last time we met was earlier this year and hadn't seen each other for 3 years due to work etc and he didn't recognize me as I have now lost around 8st! Felt great! My sister ended up marrying her blind date from the local newspapers! 25 years later still very happy
A day without laughter is a day wasted!
One of my best friends found her husband thru online dating, they are definately soulmates, unfortunately he's whisked her off down south somewhere, although since I've come here can't really complain can I. It obviously works for some people. Have never tried it, yet. Not having my own computer is a bit of a problem, can't imagine using my ex's to arrange dates or doing it on the pub computer either, maybe we should have speed dating nights here ha ha ha only joking. no chance, see post on what you want in a man, can't stop laughing about that.