Whats your Favourite TV or film when I were a child ?
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:21 pm
Reading the thread about Nostalgia brought back a few happy memories flooding back to me as a child. We were lucky in our street to have one of the first black & white TVs, with a domed magnifying thingy on the front to make the picture look bigger, two knobs only one to switch on/volumn and the other for brightness. How far we have come in 40 years hmm.......I was told neighbours flocked to our house to see the Coronation of the Queen (I WAS NOT BORN folks).
My favourite programmes as a child were :
Torchy the Battery Boy
The Adams Family
The Munsters
Watch with Mother with Andy Pandy, Bill & Ben, The Woodentops, Tales from the Riverbank
Wondered what your favourites were ?
My favourite programmes as a child were :
Torchy the Battery Boy
The Adams Family
The Munsters
Watch with Mother with Andy Pandy, Bill & Ben, The Woodentops, Tales from the Riverbank
Wondered what your favourites were ?